You describe it as a "senile industry" that only persisted because governments propped it up. But aren't there still a lot of Marxists in academia after the fall of the Soviet Union? I find more plausible the counterfactual hypothetical in which rival socialist philosophies would take those spots currently occupied by Marxists.

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When Marx’s followers were a inbred cult, academics treated them like a inbred cult. " Fix "an".

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The Paris Commune shot the archbishop of Paris. Did it do a lot of priest-shooting generally? Did Marx approve of this, and of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror?

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I like to tell Marxists that I want to see socialists liquidated as a class. That shuts them up.

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Historian George Walsh, in his recorded lectures, "Marxism: Philosophy And Political Ideology," says Marxism is a _systematic_ attack on the individual, from metaphysics to esthetics. And that this necessarily applies as mass murder. As far as I know, Marx had no important influence on British-American philosophy and Continental philosophy. His influence on ideology is another topic. Marx was a mystic, with his intuited, transcendental dialectic, the individual as abstraction from society, and communism, with its means of production intuited by people as a desire to sacrifice to society.

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All marxisms put experts in charge. Otherwise, we get markets, which may seem disorderly to many academics. Experts are people with credentials, like higher degrees. As I recall Dr. Evil, "I didn't go to graduate school for seven years to be called Mr. Evil."

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hm, ok. This increases my prior that Marxists are powerhungry by... 5%.

I dont have a good number for what i believe here, but my presumption is that most people like ti have influence, power, or to follow powerful people: marxists - leftists just has some complicated power structure around not seeming to be powerful or domination, but usually ends up in such domination structures.

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Yes, Marxism drove the revolution that took over Russia, "proving" the Mandate of Heaven and serving as a "proof of concept." But Marxism also implies job opportunities for would-be Mandarins with advanced degrees, thereby"qualified" to join the Vanguard.

Also: Was there not some mutual learning between Lenin and Mussolini,, which also engaged AH? There was more than one totalitarian Marxist state nascent a century ago.

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I see "modem" a couple of times in the quotation, where I'm guessing it was meant to be "modern". Was OCR involved in the transcription?

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