Wow this adelstein guy is really smart and good looking

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By the way, Adelstein's a former highly confident atheist turned agnostic because of his in-depth study of the philosophy of religion. So he's not a true believer yet!

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Where can I watch the video after the fact?

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might want to listen to this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noj4phMT9OE

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I wouldn't really call wokeism a "secular religion" - not in the typical sense of secular anyway. If secularism is the separation of religion and the state then clearly wokeism is not a secular religion as its tenets are often codified into law or are enforced by state officials even if there is no official codification of said tenets.

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I don’t understand how you’re so intelligent but can’t see “wokeism” as simply part and parcel of the social negotiation process inherent in the discovery of group social identity and cooperation.

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