2 and 11 contradict, don't they?

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How about condensing them down to one rule: "Don't try to run my life." The legitimate scope of government is very small indeed.

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I think COVID-19 did a lot for making people less trusting of government and bureacracy. There were some obviously silly ideas that people took seriously and there was hesitancy to update on new information, perhaps unless it was a harsher measure. A great deal of it became a social signaling game and a way to feel comfortable. Part of this is to blame on government, but part of it has to be blamed on human psychology. Even without government enforcement, people behaved very oddly.

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This is way too much common sense. It asks government to admit mistakes and corrections.

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You missed opportunity to make a clickbait title like "The Top 17 Guidelines for Government That You've never Heard Of"

Would've optimized your SEO =)

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